The Development of Renewable Sources of Energy

Yukino Agria
3 min readJul 14, 2021

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Generating electricity with solar power instead of fossil fuels could dramatically reduce greenhouse gas emissions, particularly carbon dioxide (CO2). Greenhouse gases, which are produced when fossil fuels are burned, lead to progressing global temperatures and climate change. Climate change already contributes to serious environmental and public health issues in the Northeast, including extreme weather events, intensifying sea levels, and ecosystem changes.

By going solar, you could reduce the need for fossil fuels, limit greenhouse gas emissions, and shrink your carbon footprint. One home installing a solar energy system could have a measurable effect on the environment. According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, the average home with solar panels in Connecticut uses approximately 8,288 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of electricity per year. Switching from fossil fuels to solar power in the state has the same emissions reduction effect as planting around 150 trees every year. (1) Do you understand how solar energy has a significant influence on our environment? Take your focus fixed since this article could tickle your interests!

As electricity needs are heightened, with supply depending largely on fossil fuels plus some hydropower and then nuclear energy, concerns emerge about carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions contributing to possible global warming. Attention again turned to the huge sources of energy progressing around us in nature — sun, wind, and seas in particular. There was never any doubt about the magnitude of these, the challenge was always in harnessing them so as to meet the needs. Today we are well advanced in meeting that challenge, while also testing the practical limits of doing so from wind and solar (variable renewable energy, VRE). The relatively dilute nature of wind and solar mean that harnessing them is very materials-intensive — many times that from energy-dense sources.

Wind turbines have developed greatly in recent decades, solar photovoltaic technology is much more efficient, and there are improved prospects of harnessing the energy in tides and waves. Solar thermal technologies in particular (with some heat storage) have great potential in sunny climates. With government encouragement to utilize wind and solar technologies, their costs have come down and are now in the same league per kilowatt-hour costs of fossil fuel technologies, especially where there are carbon emission charges on electricity generation from them. (2) We could have a bright future by emplacing solar panels across the globe! Have a glimpse of these other sectors as they might be able to manufacture clean and affordable solar energy! Keep your mind going with these engrossing articles!

However, the variability of wind and solar power does not correspond with most needed, and as substantial capacity has been built in several countries in response to government incentives, occasional massive output from these sources creates major problems in maintaining the reliability and economic viability of the whole system. There is a new focus on system costs related to achieving reliable supply to meet daily needs. With this new information, we could live in a more cost-effective and environmentally friendly world! Check the disclaimer on my profile and landing page.

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Yukino Agria

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