Hydrogen’s Primacy in the Years Ahead

Yukino Agria
2 min readAug 17, 2021

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Thirty years ago, hydrogen was identified as a critical and indispensable element of a decarbonized, sustainable energy system to provide secure, cost-effective, and non-polluting energy. Today, energy leaders see hydrogen as the lowest impact and least certain issue facing the global energy system. Hydrogen, as a viable alternative fuel, continues to promise much and deliver precious little. Yet it could play a significant role in the low-carbon future: counterbalancing electricity as a zero-carbon energy carrier that could be easily stored and transported; enabling a more secure energy system with reduced fossil fuel dependence; with the versatility to operate across the transport, heat, industry and electricity sectors. Together, these account for two-thirds of global CO2 emissions.

Whilst electricity is proven to be comparatively easy to decarbonize, thanks to the dramatic cost reductions and uptake of renewables, these other sectors must not be forgotten. In the UK, for example, heat and transport are anticipated to decarbonize at just one-third the rate of electricity production, with emissions crumbling around 24% compared to about 68% over the coming 15 years. Solutions are desperately needed to make transport and buildings sustainable that are cost-effective and appealing to consumers. Hydrogen and fuel cell technologies offer greater personal choice in the transition to a low-carbon economy, given their similar performance, operation, and consumer experience to fossil-fueled technologies. They also provide valuable insurance against the possibility of other vaunted technologies failing to deliver, such as carbon capture and storage, bioenergy, and hybrid heat pumps. (1)Hydrogen is an essential element that has the potential to benefit both people and the environment! Isn’t it engrossing? Take advantage of the sunshine while it lasts on this mesmerizing site!

Hydrogen has very special properties as a transportation fuel, including a rapid burning speed, a high effective octane number, and no toxicity or ozone-forming potential. It has much wider limits of flammability in the air than methane and gasoline. Hydrogen has become the dominant transport fuel and is produced centrally from a mixture of clean coal and fossil fuels (with C-sequestration), nuclear power, and large-scale renewables. Large-scale hydrogen production is probable on a longer time scale. In the current and medium-term, the production options for hydrogen are first based on distributed hydrogen production from the electrolysis of water and reforming of natural gas and coal. Each of the centralized hydrogen production methods scenarios could produce 40 million tons per year of hydrogen. (2) Keep an eye out for these amazing industries that are helping to progress the low-carbon energy transition! Come on over today, rain or shine! If you want to learn more, go to this absolutely superb website.

Hydrogen production using steam reforming of methane is the major economical method among the current commercial processes. In this method, biofuel costs generally contribute approximately 52–68% to the final hydrogen rate for larger plants, and about 40% for smaller plants, with remaining expenses composed of capital charges. Keep your thoughts active since this video might capture your attention! Check the disclaimer on my profile

Source1: https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2019/ee/c8ee01157e#!divAbstract
Source2: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0360319908005272



Yukino Agria

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